Mrs. Clinton did not offer any new evidence of a Qaeda link, and
officials later said the question would be officially settled only after
the F.B.I. completed a criminal inquiry, which could take months. But
they said they had not ruled out the involvement of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
— an affiliate of the international terrorist group with origins in
Algeria — in an attack the administration initially described as a
spontaneous protest turned violent.
Her remarks added to the administration’s evolving and at times muddled
explanation of what happened on the evening of Sept. 11 and into the
next morning. Republicans in Congress have accused President Obama of
playing down possible terrorist involvement in the midst of a
re-election campaign in which killing Osama bin Laden and crippling Al
Qaeda are cited as major achievements.
Mrs. Clinton made her remarks at a special United Nations meeting on the
political and security crisis in the parts of North Africa known as the
Maghreb and the Sahel, particularly in northern Mali, which has been
overrun by Islamic extremists since a military coup helped lead to the
division of that country this year.
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has long operated in the region, she
said, and was now exploiting a haven in Mali to export extremism and
terrorist violence to neighbors like Libya.
“Now with a larger safe haven and increased freedom to maneuver,
terrorists are seeking to extend their reach and their networks in
multiple directions,” Mrs. Clinton told leaders assembled at the
meeting, including President François Hollande of France and the United
Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon. “And they are working with other
violent extremists to undermine the democratic transitions under way in
North Africa, as we tragically saw in Benghazi.”
Mr. Ban called the meeting to lay the groundwork for a possible
international military intervention — to be led by African troops — to
help the new military government in Mali re-establish control over a
part of the country that Mr. Hollande noted was the size of France and
is now under the grip of Islamist extremists imposing their vision of law and order.
“We cannot stand by and allow terrorists to take over an entire territory,” Mr. Hollande said.
Top militia leaders in Benghazi have dismissed the possibility that Al
Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb played a role in the attacks or had a
foothold in eastern Libya. Benghazi residents have said they believe the
brigade that conducted the attack could easily have managed the assault
on its own, because it included more than 100 heavily armed fighters.
Mrs. Clinton’s connection of the turmoil in the Sahel with the violence in Benghazi, which killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens,
echoed remarks made last week by Matthew G. Olsen, the director of the
National Counterterrorism Center. He said that intelligence analysts
were investigating ties between local Libyan militias and Al Qaeda in
the Islamic Maghreb, but had not yet come to any conclusions.
A senior administration official said that Mrs. Clinton intended to
underscore the rising threat that the Qaeda affiliate and other
extremist organizations pose to the emerging democratic governments in
countries like Tunisia and Libya, adding that the group clearly intended
to make contact with extremists in Benghazi and elsewhere. The final
determination of the group’s role, the official said, would await the
investigation by the F.B.I.
Mrs. Clinton has also ordered a review of diplomatic security that is
being led by Thomas R. Pickering, a veteran diplomat and former
undersecretary of state.
It was not clear whether Mrs. Clinton’s remarks foreshadowed any
possible retaliation against those who carried out the attack, whether
they operated in sympathy with, or on orders from, Al Qaeda leaders. But
she reiterated the administration’s vow to bring those responsible to
justice, telling the conference that American intelligence and
law-enforcement agencies were working not only with Libya but with other
nations in the region to investigate the attack.
The cooperation with other nations beyond Libya in the investigations
also seemed to indicate that the attack’s planning and execution might
have crossed international borders and not simply have been a local,
spontaneous eruption of violence in response to an amateurish Internet
video denigrating the Prophet Muhammad.
“The United States is stepping up our counterterrorism efforts across
the Maghreb and the Sahel,” Mrs. Clinton said, “and we’re working with
the Libyan government and other partners to find those responsible for
the attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi and bring them to
“The United States is stepping up our counterterrorism efforts across
the Maghreb and the Sahel,” Mrs. Clinton said, “and we’re working with
the Libyan government and other partners to find those responsible for
the attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi and bring them to
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